terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2008

A internet em casa

THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCE AND THE RELATION WITH THE GOOD AND THE EVIL The technology is improving each time more. With passing of the years, it is possible to observe the modification of new devices that are being created to improve day-by-day of the human being. Today we have the devices of cellular with diverse other functions, not limiting only to make simple linkings to speak with somebody that is distant. In accidents of car and several others, hear to speak of many cases where people had been salutes for having access to a cellular one. However it is also this vehicle of communication that have been used for people without escrúpulos, to kill or to order to kill somebody, of the interior of penitentiaries and other places. It has cases that we do not obtain to define if the scientific use of the technology and other apparatuses have provoked the evil, or if the evil would have been still worse, if he had not been used methods, considered of last generation, as it was the “bomb of Hiroshima”, at the time used in World War II, that had the function to diminish the effect of the war, anticipating its end. However still today, one perceives people, who would be apt to improve the technological world still more, emperrando all this process, only for considering “old methods” the most appropriate for all occasions, ignoring that the world can evolve, modify and take other dimensions.